Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Are your employees just placing bricks or building a mansion?

Just ask them -  which in itself takes some effort and commitment. Assuming that you found ways to ask that question, their answers to your question will have huge implications on your business.

It is essential that individual employees, teams and leaders in the organization clarify and know the contribution of their brick, in the overall scheme of business and market.
Young engineers in a manufacturing organization (a B2C business) asked exactly that question - How in my role as an engineer am influencing  my end customer's decision? Having asked that question they evolved answers to that question (and some just got on that journey) by engaging in a simulated production system. It turns out that three things they do or don't do in their role influences their customers decision - A) Knowing and adhering to standards, B) Articulating ideas, especially if they are silly, and C) Commitment to not repeating the same mistake again.

I thought that was some significant realization, though not a discovery.

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